Sindroma e shpinës së rrafshtë - Sindroma Flatback

Çfarë është ajo?

When evaluating from the side, there are four natural curves of the human spine – two lordotic curves and two kyphotic curves that alternate to create an “S” like shape. These natural curves balance one another so that the head is directly over the hips.  When looking from behind it is normal to have a straight spine with the head centered over the pelvis. When there is an imbalance of one of these natural curves a patient’s entire spinal alignment adjusts so that the patient can continue to stand upright. Flatback syndrome occurs when the lower back loses its natural curvature and becomes flat over time. As a consequence, the spine becomes unbalanced, and the patient starts to lean forward.

Multitude of conditions can cause the flatback syndrome: degenerative disc disease, Vertebral compression fracture, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Lumbar Post Laminectomy Syndrome.


Përveç pamjes së shpinës, pacientët me Flatback sindromën mund të kenë edhe:

  • Ndjesinë e rënies përpara
  • Dhimbje kronike në muskujt e shpinës
  • Vështirësi në kryerjen e aktivitete të caktuara ditore
  • Lodhja


Diagnoza përcaktohet përmes ekzaminimit të plotë fizik, anamnezës së pacientit dhe radiolografisë me rreze X të shtyllës kurrizore. Shpesh nevojiten edhe inçizime të avancuara, edhe atë me rezonancë magnetike (MRI) ose tomografi të kompjuterizuar (CT) me qëllim të identifikimit të problemve tjera, përfshirë këtu edhe stenozën e shtyllës kurrizore.


Non-operative, or conservative, treatments for flatback syndrome include an appropriate exercise routine which consists of aerobic fitness, weight bearing exercises, and core muscle strengthening. Specialized physical therapy and spinal manipulation can be beneficial as well. Medications commonly are utilized to manage pain.

Surgery may be needed for certain patients that fail non-operative measure or whose deformity is worsening over time leading to other neurologic symptoms like pain, numbness, or weakness. The goal of surgical treatment of flatback syndrome is to restore lordosis, thus improving a patient’s overall alignment, quality of life, and stop progression of this spinal deformity.

Surgery to correct flatback deformity may be performed from multiple or combined approaches.