Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery,
Spinal Surgeon


Dr Branko Krajnović

Dr. Branko Krajnović is an internationally recognized specialist in orthopedic surgery and spinal surgery who lives and works in Germany and Serbia, and is considered one of the region’s most famous and recognized spinal surgeons.


Navigating spine-related health issues can be complex and sometimes overwhelming.
Whether you are someone dealing with back pain, a curious learner looking to maintain a healthy spine, here you can find information on most spinal conditions, diseases, and spinal surgery procedures to treat them.

For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be more than happy if I can help you.

Dr Branko Krajnović


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Learn about the anatomy of the human spine


Learn more about the major and minor spine disorders


Get to know the most effective treatments


Frequently Asked Questions

Major types of spine deformities include:

  • Scoliosis: An abnormal side-to-side arc in the spine.
  • Kyphosis: This occurs when the upper back develops a forward hump,
  • Lordosis: A type of spinal curve in which the normal inward curve of the lower back is exaggerated.
  • Flatback Syndrome: This condition develops when the spine loses its natural curvature. 

Spinal Fusion is the most common surgical treatment for both scoliosis and kyphosis. This procedure aims to straighten and stabilize the spine by fusing two or more vertebrae.

Bone grafts, often supplemented with metal rods, screws, and cages, are used to facilitate the fusion and provide immediate stability.

The surgery for severe spinal deformities has improved dramatically over the last few decades. Technological innovations play a crucial role in surgical advancements. These innovations have allowed for better correction of spinal alignment, preservation of that alignment, and safer surgical procedures. As a result, patients experience rapid recovery, allowing them to resume their normal activities, including sports, school, and work, with minimal disruption.

Adult degenerative scoliosis develops during adulthood due to degenerative changes, and it is typically seen in the lumbar spine. Degenerative changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are common as a person ages. However, when these changes cause a right-to-left curvature of the spine, the disorder is known as adult degenerative scoliosis. Adult degenerative scoliosis usually affects people 40 years of age or older. In older patients, mostly women, it is often associated with osteoporosis. Osteoarthritis can also be a cause of adult degenerative scoliosis. 

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If you want Dr. Krajnović’s expert opinion and advice, schedule a consultation by reaching out at info@drkrajnovic.com